Beef BSE has never been detected in organic herds

Carrots and Lettuce Carrots are sprayed heavily to eliminate the carrot fly, Lettuces are sprayed up to 25 times with agrochemicals.

Chickens: Non organic birds are kept in cramped conditions pumped full of hormones and antibiotics. Organic birds live longer and have a fuller stronger flavour.  Battery hen eggs get a synthetic feed full of antibiotics and colorants. Free range eggs vary but organic hens are free to roam and have a 70% organic diet.

Milk Cows grazing on chemicals pass them on; dioxins, Lindane and DDT are regularly found in milk. Dairy herds are fed high protein mixes to boost milk production; organic herds graze on organic pasture and aren’t given animal protein or antibiotics. Raw milk is always preferable its rich in digestive enzymes vitamins and minerals (all of which get killed off when pasteurised) is easier to digest and its so very good for you.

Pork: Non organic pigs are taken from their mothers soon after birth and given hormones and antibiotics.

Wholewheat bread: Pesticide residues lie on the outside of the grain, so non-organic wholewheat bread contains more pesticides than non-organic white bread.

Contact Charlotte Palmer for more advice or use the Quick Contact Email at the bottom of the page